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All-Stars (2017)
Scrooge Mcduck (2017)

Dot Drawings

Inspired by the Populous paintings of Craig Alan and Tayo's love for the cartoons he used to watch when he was young, he started this series of observational drawings during the summer, and expanded it once he returned to his studio space. The use of fine-liner pens was inspired by the large-scale drawings of Aleksandra Mir, a polish artist whose subjects range from vinyl disks to space exploration.
Instead of using normal lines, Tayo used dots for each of the drawings, as he wanted to recreate the feeling that the viewer is watching ants move around on the surface. The drawings resemble dot-to-dot drawings, which was another aspect from Tayo's childhood that he enjoyed, and these drawings capture that nostalgic tone.
He wants the viewers to be reminded of their own childhoods, where everything was simple and less complicated and stressful.
Marvin the Martian (2017)
Cipher (2017)
Heroes and Villains (2017)
Courage (2017)
Invader Zim (2017)
Fineliner on Acrylic
Dexter (2017)
Fineliner on Acrylic

Tayo Jones copyright 2020

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