Artist Statement
My primary work revolves around film and food. I strive to create art that peaks the curiosity of the viewer, and keep them guessing. For me, anything can be made into art, even a random object like a cardboard box.
I have a passion for food, from the way they are presented to the appearances of certain types of food, such as bananas, watermelons and jalapeno chilli peppers. While I do use large pieces of board for my food paintings, I also use milk bottles, juice cartons and pizza boxes. I tend to use them more often because they tie into my theme of food, and my desire to explore alternative surfaces. By using these recycled items, I am helping the environment and re-using objects that would normally be thrown away.
I also like to express my love of film through my paintings, usually by painting a specific visual from a film that I have seen or haven't seen, like the hat of Freddy Kruger or bulging eyes of the alien from John Carpenter's They Live!
While food and films are the primary focus of my practice, my subjects vary from time to time, from religion (seven deadly sins) to literature (Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan) and comic books (DC for the most part). Ultimately, what I paint is often based on what I am currently interested in.
Primarily, my preferred medium is painting with acrylics, but I have also incorporated drawing, photography, and collage into my portfolio of work. When I feel it is necessary, I will experiment with different mediums, such as performance film and stencil printing , until I have achieved my desired result.
I prefer to use bright and vivid colours in my work or at-least make it distinct enough to catch the eye of the viewer. Sometimes, I collect the dried pieces of paint and stack them all together, as a way to record all of the development that I have gone into my paintings.